Czy rozważasz pracę za granicą? Nasz szpital partnerski w Arabii Saudyjskiej poszukuje nowych współpracowników!
Nasza placówka partnerska oferuje:
- Umowę o pracę na rok z możliwością przedłużenia; trzymiesięczny okres próbny
- Pensję netto w wysokości od 30 000 PLN + 150% dopłaty za nadgodziny
- 54 dni płatnego urlopu rocznie
- sign-on bonus 10 000 USD
- Opłacenie zakwaterowania
- Opłacenie ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego
- Opłacenie transportu z i do pracy
- Opłacenie biletu lotniczego na początku i na końcu pobytu
- Premia za dokończenie umowy (połowa podstawowej miesięcznej pensji)
- Inne możliwości kształcenia i rozwoju
Position: Disaster Clinical Specialist
Summary: Coordinates and integrates in all activities necessary to build, sustain and improve the capability to mitigate againts, prepare for, respond to, and recover from internal and /or external disasters.
- Master´s or Bachelor ´s Degree in Emergency Health Services, Emergency/disaster Management or other related discipline
- 6 years of experience in the field of Emergency/Disaster management (8 years required for Bachelor´s degree)
Position: Central sterile supply distribution Manager
Manages the Operational Activities of Central Sterile Supply Distribution (CSSD).
- Ph.D., Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Health Allied Field, Hospital Administration, or other related discipline
- 2 years of related CSSD experience in a large, complex hospital, health care institution, government institution, business corporation, or related organization including 2 years’ experience in a Senior, Supervisory, or Managerial capacity with PhD, 4 years with Master’s Degree, or 6 years with Bachelor’s Degree is required.
Position: Environmental Health Coordinator
Promotes a safe and sanitary environment through contribution and recommendations in construction, renovation and maintenance projects. Conducts routine and systematic inspections of the environment and monitor of air, water, and environmental surfaces. The prevention of healthcare associated infections.
- Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree of Science of Nursing or other related discipline
- 4 years of clinical experience in an acute care ot teaching hospital including 2 years in Infection Control with Environmental Health with Master´s Degree or 6 years if similar requirements with Bachelor´s degree
Position: Non-invasive Cardiology Laboratory Manager
Plans, directs, and manages the services, activities, and staff of the Non-Invasive Cardiology Lab as directed by the Director of Heart Centre and Director of Clinical Services.
- Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Cardiolvascular Technology or other related discipline or Graduate from anaccredited program in cardiovascular technology, health science, cardiac ultrasound or health care field after High School
- 6 years of experience plus 2 years as a Senior/supervisory position in a Non-Invasive Cardiology Lab.
Position: Nutrition Services Manager
Provided adinistrative direction and coordination of all section services. Responsible for the overall organization and administration of Clinical Nutrition Services to assure that nutritional needs of the patients are met.
- PhD, Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Nutrition from an accredited institution and completion of Dietetic intership approved by the American Dietetic Association or related field.
- 4 years of experience as a hospital Clinical Dietitian with PhD, 6 years with Master´s or 8 years with Bachelor´s Degree
Position: Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Serves as a pharmaceutical caregiver by efficiently designing, recommending, activating, monitoring, and evaluating patient-specific pharmacotherapy to ensure optimal outcomes. Ensures implementation of the
pharmaceutical care plan by assuring the accurate and timely distribution of medications to patients.
- Doctor or Master’s of Clinical Pharmacy
- General Pharmacy Practice Residency and 1 year specialty residency accredited by ASHP, 6 years of clinical experience in a hospital setting after completion of the last education program is required for candidates without residency training. For those with General Pharmacy Practice Residency only 4 years clinical experience is required.
Position: Clinical Pharmacy Consultant
Serves as a pharmaceutical caregiver by efficiently designing, recommending, activating, monitoring, and evaluating patient-specific pharmacotherapy to ensure optimal outcomes. Ensures implementation of the pharmaceutical care plan by assuring the accurate and timely distribution of medications to patients. Maintains liaison relations with medical and nursing staff. Plays a fundamental role in the development of clinical pharmacy practice through establishment of new policy and procedure, specialized service, and conducting clinical research.
- Doctor or Master’s of Clinical Pharmacy
- General Pharmacy Practice Residency and 1 year specialty residency accredited by ASHP, 10 years of clinical experience in a hospital setting after completion of the last education program is required for candidates without residency training. For those with General Pharmacy Practice Residency only 8 years clinical experience is required.
Position: Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology
Plans, implements, and re-evaluates of the Infection Control (IC) Program. Directly manages the daily and ongoing requirements of the department.
- Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree of Science of Nursing or Laboratory or other related discipline
- 6 years with Master´s or 8 years with Bachelor´s of experience including 2 years as a Senior/supervisory position
Position: Senior Cardiovascular Technologist, Non-invasive
Acts in a senior capacity for a section of the Non-Invasive Cardiology Lab. Performs duties of a Cardiovascular Technologist and any other duties as assigned.
- Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Cardiolvascular Technology
- 2 years with Master´s or 4 years with Bachelor´s of experience
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